Sunday 17 June 2012

Euro meltdown cartoon ; 'A pile of defaults' ; Grinning cheshire cat ; Webs of debt

Posted on the day of the Greek election. The candle has almost melted away, its last embers blowing the sign of the euro in smoke rings. The cyber mermaid is sitting amongst a pile of defaults. In this cartoon, the cheshire cat is bloated and inflated - like a floating balloon - and represents fat cat executive bonus pay and fat cat tax evasion. In the book, 'Alice in Wonderland', the cheshire cat disappears at will which begs the question, where HAS all the money gone ?

Monday 2 April 2012

The Cyber Mermaid as Pierrot, the sad clown...( and the fool ! )

The Cyber Mermaid is sad thinking about all the precious and sentimental things she sold in order to pay the interest on her bank credit cards ( before the default ). Her hair is lank and lack lustre as she is still without running hot water ( 2 cartoon blogs ago ). 
This cartoon also has in mind the people of Greece, many of whom have had to sell their family gold jewellery in order to survive in a financial crisis that is not of their fault.